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Showing posts from November, 2020

1 जनवरी से UPI पेमेंट में होगा बड़ा बदलाव, Paytm पर नहीं होगा असर

हाल ही में नेशनल पेमेंट्स कॉरपोरेशन ऑफ इंडिया (National Payments Corporation of India) ने थर्ड पार्टी ऐप प्रोवाइडर्स की ओर से चलाई जाने वाली यूपीआई पेमेंट सर्विस पर एक जनवरी, 2021 से 30 फीसद कैप लगाने का फैसला लिया है. from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

आज लॉन्च होगा ‘भारत का सबसे सस्ता 5G फोन’ Moto G 5G, मिलेगी 5000mAh बैटरी

मोटोरोला ने फ्लिपकार्ट टीज़र में ‘India’s most affordable 5G ready phone’ टैगलाइन दिया है. यानी कि कंपनी इसे ‘भारत का सबसे सस्ता 5जी स्मार्टफोन’ कह रही है. from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

OFFER! 4 हजार सस्ते में खरीदें Xiaomi का सबसे ज्यादा बिकने वाला बजट स्मार्टफोन

आज हम बात कर रहे हैं शियोमी (Xiaomi Phones) स्मार्टफोन्स पर मिलने वाले ऑफर्स के बारे में, जिन्हें 29 नवंबर यानी कि सिर्फ आज तक सस्ते में खरीदा जा सकता है. from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

Google Assistant में हैं ये सीक्रेट फीचर्स, जान गए तो कई काम होंगे आसान

आज हम आपको यहां Google Assistant के ऐसे ही कुछ सीक्रेट फीचर्स के बारे में बता रहे हैं, जिन्हें जानने के बाद कई चीजें आसान हो जाएंगी. from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

Moto G 5G स्मार्टफोन जल्द होगा लॉन्च, जानें इसकी लॉन्चिंग डेट और सभावित कीमत

मोटोरोला मोटो जी 5 जी (Motorola moto G5G) को यूरोप में कीमत 299.99 यूरो है जो भारत के हिसाब से 26,300 रुपये होती है. जानकारों का मानना है कि कंपनी इस स्मार्टफोन (Smartphone) को भारत में इसी कीमत के आसपास या इससे सस्ती कीमत में लॉन्च कर सकती है. from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

Nokia 2.4 स्मार्टफोन भारत में हुआ लॉन्च, जानिए इसकी कीमत और फीचर्स

Nokia 2.4 की कीमत 10,399 रुपये है, जिसमें इसका एकमात्र 3 जीबी रैम + 64 जीबी स्टोरेज के साथ लॉन्च किया गया है. कंपनी ने इस स्मार्टफोन को चारकोल, डस्क और फीऑर्ड रंग में लॉन्च किया है. from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

Realme के बजट फोन पर पाएं 9,300 रु का डिस्काउंट, मिलेगी 6000mAh की बैटरी

Realme Days सेल में मिलने वाले खास ऑफर के बारे में बात करे तो यहां से कंपनी के पॉपुलर फोन रियलमी C15 को बेहतरीन डील पर घर लाया जा सकता है. from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

WhatsApp में OTP से लगाई जा रही सेंध, जानें इस बारे में सबकुछ, ऐसे करें बचाव

हैकर्स (Hackers) और स्‍कैमर्स (Scammers) आजकल वन टाइम पासवर्ड (OTP Scam) के जरिये व्‍हाट्सऐप अकाउंट (WhatsApp Account) हैक कर रहे हैं. इसके लिए वे पहले आपके व्‍हाट्सऐप अकाउंट को रीसेट (Account Reset) करने के लिए ओटीपी जेनेरेट करते हैं इसके बाद ये ओटीपी आपसे मांगते हैं और फिर दूसरे मोबाइल पर आपके अकाउंट को ऑपरेट करते हैं. आइए जानते हैं इससे बचने के आसान तरीके... from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

48MP कैमरे वाले बजट Micromax In Note 1 की पहली सेल आज, मिल रहा है भारी कैशबैक

Micromax In Note 1 को आज (24 नवंबर) पहली सेल के लिए उपलब्ध कराया जा रहा है. फोन की शुरुआती कीमत 10,999 रुपये रखी गई है, लेकिन ऑफर के तहत फोन को सस्ते में खरीदा जा सकता है... from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

OFFER! सिर्फ 8,999 रु है Realme के इस 6000mAh बैटरी वाले फोन की कीमत

इस फोन की खास बात इसकी 6000mAh की बैटरी है, और इसके बावजूद कंपनी ने इस फोन की कीमत सिर्फ 8,999 रुपये रखी है...रियलमी डेज़ सेल में फोन पर ऑफर भी दिए जा रहे हैं... from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

अगर आपके पास है Jio SIM तो बोलकर हो जाएंगे इतने सारे काम, आसान है तरीका

फोन रिचार्ज करना हो कॉलर ट्यून (callertune) सेट करना, जियो सिम (jio sim) यूज़र्स कई काम सिर्फ कमांड देकर करवा सकते हैं...आइए जानें पूरा तरीका from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

वॉट्सऐप पर डिलीट हुए फोटो ऐसे करें दोबारा डाउनलोड, जानिए आसान स्टेप्स

वॉट्सऐप (Whatsapp) से दोबारा वही फाइल्स डाउनलोड की जा सकती हैं, जिन्हें यूजर की ओर से डिलीट (Delete) ना किया गया हो. अगर पूरा कन्वर्सेशन डिलीट (Conversion ) किया जा चुका है, तो कंटेंट भी दोबारा नहीं देखा जा सकेगा. from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

बिना किसी को पता चले पढ़ें WhatsApp के डिलीट किए हुए मैसेज, अपनाएं ये ट्रिक

अगर आप डिलीट किए गए मैसेज को दोबारा पढ़ना चाहते हैं तो इसके लिए WhatsApp में मौजूद है एक शानदार ट्रिक, जिसकी मदद से आप बिना किसी को पता चले डिलीट मैसेज पढ़ सकते हैं. from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

10,000 से कम के हैं ये बेस्ट Tabs, पाएं 5100mAh की बैटरी, 8 इंच जैसा डिस्प्ले!

अगर आप भी टैब खरीदने का प्लान कर रहे हैं तो यहां हम आपको बता रहे हैं कुछ ऐसे टैबलेट के बारे में, जिनकी कीमत 10,000 रुपये के अंदर है... from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

WhatsApp की ट्रिक! फालतू मैसेज की नोटिफिकेशन से हमेशा के लिए ऐसे पाएं छुटकारा

आइए जानते हैं इस नए फीचर के बारे में और इन्हें एंड्रॉयड और iOS में कैसे एक्टिवेट किया जाता है... from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

Sanders confident Biden administration 'will be advocating' for progressive policies

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) sat down with President-elect Joe Biden and his campaign team in the lead up to the general election to find some common ground on progressive policies that he has pushed during his time in the Senate and his own presidential bids, and he said Sunday that he expects the Biden administration will stick to those agreements once the White House transition is official in January.But CNN's Jake Tapper asked Sanders how he expects some of those policies to come to fruition if the Republican Party staves off Democratic challengers in the upcoming Georgia Senate runoffs and maintains a majority in the upper chamber. Sanders didn't directly answer that question, but instead expressed his belief that Georgia remains in play for Democrats, telling Tapper that young and working class voters showed out in big numbers for Democrats in November and could do so again in January, increasing the party's chances of obtaining a 50-50 split in the Senate. As Sanders ...

A secretive Republican group called Amish PAC ended the election cycle with money in its pocket

The PAC is funded in large part by three major GOP donors whose connections to the Amish community are not apparent from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Black Lives Matter Is Challenging Sweden’s Myth of a Post-Racial Paradise

It’s been four months since anti-racism protests filled Europe’s boulevards and parks, toppling statues of enslavers and colonizers like Edward Colston and Belgium’s King Leopold II, and prompting larger conversations around anti-Blackness on the continent. But even as the swells of crowds with raised fists have left the streets, the cause of the protests remains. Black lives still hang in the balance, and now activists are moving from marches to ideological battles in classrooms, boardrooms, and online spaces.In Ireland, that means shifting focus onto the need to dismantle Direct Provision. France has been grappling with not only police brutality towards Black and Muslim people but attitudes toward minorities from France's former colonies in Africa and ideas on colonialism in general, including questions of returning stolen artifacts to former colonies. And in Sweden— which has traditionally seen itself as a post-racial paradise—the first step is getting the country to admit to it...

SpaceX launches four astronauts to ISS

Four astronauts were successfully launched on the SpaceX Crew Dragon "Resilience" to the International Space Station on Sunday, the first of what the US hopes will be many routine missions following a successful test flight in late spring. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Costco will deliver a 12-month long private flight membership to your email — if you pay $17,500

Costco's digital gift card offerings feature Build-A-Bear Workshop tickets, Xbox memberships — and the $17,499.99 "private aviation membership." from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Peru president's ouster sparks wave of youth-led protests

University student Yessenia Medina was trying to concentrate on her virtual psychology class when a stunning headline popped up on her screen: Peru’s Congress had voted to oust the nation’s popular president. Furious, the 23-year-old joined the thousands of students, workers and others protesting this week, decrying Congress and refusing to recognize the new president, Manuel Merino. Peru’s Congress voted overwhelmingly to remove now ex-President Martín Vizcarra on Monday, complaining about his handling of the pandemic and accusing him of corruption. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Samsung के 17 हजार वाले फोन को 10,860 रु में लाएं घर, मिलेगी 6000mAh की बैटरी

Flipkart सेल में फोन पर कई तरह के ऑफर दिए जा रहे हैं, जिसके तहत फोन को काफी अच्छे डील में घर लाया जा सकता है... from Latest News मोबाइल-टेक News18 हिंदी

Covid: Dr Fauci urges Americans to keep the faith but warns 200,000 more could die in next four months alone

On Friday, the US experienced a record 177,000 new daily cases, the fourth straight day it set an all-time record from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Biden heralds shift in US strategy toward Venezuela

President Donald Trump's election defeat marks the end of a hardline pressure policy designed to oust Venezuela's leftist president Nicolas Maduro, and the arrival of Joe Biden in the White House in January could pave the way for a political solution to the crisis in that country. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

A Seattle hiker was brought 'back from the dead' by doctors after his heart stopped for 45 minutes

Michael Knapinski was airlifted to a Seattle hospital after he was found unconscious in a freezing river basin on the edge of Mount Ranier. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Al-Qaida's No. 2, Accused in U.S. Embassy Attacks, Is Secretly Killed in Iran

WASHINGTON -- Al-Qaida's second-highest leader, accused of being one of the masterminds of the deadly 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa, was killed in Iran three months ago, intelligence officials have confirmed.Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah, who went by the nom de guerre Abu Muhammad al-Masri, was gunned down on the streets of Tehran by two assassins on a motorcycle on Aug. 7, the anniversary of the embassy attacks. He was killed along with his daughter, Miriam, the widow of Osama bin Laden's son Hamza bin Laden.The attack was carried out by Israeli operatives at the behest of the United States, according to four of the officials. It is unclear what role if any was played by the United States, which had been tracking the movements of al-Masri and other Qaida operatives in Iran for years.Sign up for The Morning newsletter from the New York TimesThe killing occurred in such a netherworld of geopolitical intrigue and counterterrorism spycraft that al-Masri's death had been r...

Boris Johnson is in self-isolation after a British parliament member he spent 35 minutes with tested positive for COVID-19, reports say

Johnson and Conservative MP Lee Anderson attended a 35-minute last week and were photographed standing side by side, unmasked. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Egypt discovers ancient trove of intact sarcophagi near Cairo

Egypt announced on Saturday the discovery of an ancient treasure trove of more than a 100 intact sarcophagi, the largest such find this year. The sealed wooden coffins, unveiled on site amid fanfare, belonged to top officials of the Late Period and the Ptolemaic period of ancient Egypt. They were found in three burial shafts at depths of 12 metres (40 feet) in the sweeping Saqqara necropolis south of Cairo. Archaeologists opened one coffin to reveal a mummy wrapped in a burial shroud adorned with brightly coloured hieroglyphic pictorials. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Column: The Georgia Senate runoffs could make all the difference. But is electing a Democrat possible?

As money comes pouring in from Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Wall Street, and election ads saturate the state, will will there be a backlash from Georgia voters? from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

India celebrates Diwali amid pandemic, pollution fears

More than a billion Indians celebrated Diwali on Saturday amid twin concerns of a resurgence in coronavirus infections and rising air pollution that is enveloping the country’s north in a cloud of thick toxic smog. Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, is typically celebrated by socializing and exchanging gifts with friends and family, and lighting oil lamps or candles to symbolize a victory of light over darkness. Fireworks are also a major part of the celebrations. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Vamco hits Vietnam as Philippines death toll rises to 67

Storm Vamco barrelled into Vietnam on Sunday, damaging buildings and injuring at least five people, as the death toll in the Philippines climbed to 67. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Thousands join 'MAGA March' in Washington as Donald Trump does drive-by

Supporters of Donald Trump poured into the streets of Washington on Saturday to back his unfounded claims of election fraud. Several thousand people filled Freedom Plaza, near the White House, for a rally at which very few wore masks. Chants of "Four more years" and "USA, USA " echoed through the centre of the capital where many shops were boarded up, and roads blocked off by police amid a heavy security presence. As he left the White House, for his golf course in Virginia, Mr Trump's convoy did a circuit of the plaza. His limousine was greeted by screams, chants, Trump flags, and people punching the air and running alongside. Through a window the president smiled, waved and gave a thumbs up. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Elon Musk says he's positive for COVID-19, and NASA won't let him attend SpaceX's astronaut launch on Sunday

Musk's positive tests couldn't have come at a worse time: SpaceX is set to launch four NASA astronauts into orbit for its Crew-1 mission on Sunday. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Biden's beach hideaway has political sun shining on Rehoboth

This resort town known for Atlantic waves that are sometimes surfable, fresh-cut French fries and a 1-mile wooden boardwalk that dates to the 1870s has long prided itself on being the “Nation's Summer Capital.” President-elect Joe Biden owns a $2.7 million, Delaware North Shores home with a swimming pool that overlooks Cape Henlopen State Park, is blocks from the ocean and a short drive from downtown Rehoboth Beach. Biden spent time in Rehoboth Beach after the Democratic National Convention and made his first trip back this weekend as president-elect. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Worker found dead at Concord tire store, man charged with murder after standoff

A SWAT team was on scene for nearly four hours. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Huge India oil well fire extinguished after five months

A massive oil well fire that raged for more than five months in northeast India has finally been extinguished, officials said Sunday. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

In California: Newsom bemoans attending dinner; travel discouraged

Plus: College football and COVID-19, Trump breaks a record, and has the pandemic made San Francisco more affordable? from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

9 easy Thanksgiving side dishes Michelin-starred chefs swear by

Insider asked Michelin-starred chefs to share their favorite Thanksgiving side dishes, plus their tips so you can easily re-create them. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Booming population helped Dems in Georgia. Mississippi's 'brain drain' is keeping it red.

Political experts say Mississippi won't see nail-biter elections, especially at the nation level, anytime soon — thanks in part to stalled population growth. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

A local news anchor in Milwaukee was suspended after he asked why 2020 took Alex Trebek but not Mitch McConnell

"2020 takes Alex Trebek but leaves Mitch McConnell?" Perry, who anchors the 5 and 10 p.m. newscasts wrote. "Just end already." from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Geraldo speaks about conversation with President Trump

Geraldo Rivera spoke over the phone with the president, over a week after Election Day. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Pro-Trump senator says Covid survivors should throw away their masks and ‘celebrate’ as he falsely claims they are immune

US has recorded more than 100,000 Covid-19 cases every day for the last week from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Coronavirus concerns may have kept Trump from meeting newly-elected GOP lawmakers in person at White House

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) set up a visit to the White House for newly-elected Republican lawmakers Friday evening, but they didn't get a chance to meet President Trump in person, Politico reports.The president did reportedly send his regards to the newcomers, but the fact that he stayed out of the spotlight raised some eyebrows.> Weird @playbookplus note: "LAST NIGHT, MCCARTHY took the newly elected Republicans to the White House...INTERESTING TO NOTE: President DONALD TRUMP did not come down to meet the group. He did send his well wishes."> > -- Meridith McGraw (@meridithmcgraw) November 14, 2020As it turns out, further reporting revealed Trump probably wasn't standing anyone up, but, in a bit of twist, likely stayed away because the group hadn't been tested for COVID-19 prior to their arrival. > UPDATE to Playbook: MCCARTHY himself didn't go to the W.H. w the new freshmen Republicans -- but his team organized, attended. POTU...

Egypt finds treasure trove of over 100 sarcophagi

Egypt announced Saturday the discovery of an ancient treasure trove of more than a 100 intact sarcophagi, dating back more than 2,500 years ago, the largest such find this year. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene, supporter of QAnon, denounces House mask requirement 

Amid a raging coronavirus pandemic, the incoming Republican freshman said she “proudly told my freshman class that masks are oppressive.” from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

One of Biden's top coronavirus advisors calls for focused restrictions based on disease spread instead of a nationwide lockdown

"So we've got to follow science, but we've got to also be more precise than we were in the spring," Dr. Vivek Murthy said on Friday. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

What is the SpaceX Crew Dragon?

A guide to SpaceX's Crew Dragon vehicle, which carries astronauts to the space station. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Elon Musk's positive COVID-19 test means he likely can't attend SpaceX's astronaut launch on Sunday, based on NASA rules

Musk's positive tests couldn't have come at a worse time: SpaceX is set to launch four NASA astronauts into orbit for its Crew-1 mission on Sunday. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Biden's possible India links spark genealogical frenzy

Already bursting with pride at Kamala Harris's ancestry, India has now started digging up potential local roots for US President-elect Joe Biden. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

AG Barr faces push back after calling for voter fraud probe

On Nov. 9, U.S. Attorney General William Barr issued a memorandum regarding the 2020 presidential election calling for voter fraud to be investigated. Federal prosecutors are now pushing back on that order, according to a report from the New York Times. The memo, entitled Post-voting Election Irregularity Inquires, was addressed to several government agents and agencies, including federal attorneys and the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), along with the Criminal, National Security and Civil Rights divisions. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines